McAlester Scottish Rite Masonic Center



Welcome to the

McAlester Scottish Rite Masonic Center

Ground Floor

East Entrance

Ground Floor West Entrance

West Entrance

2nd Floor & Egyptian Auditorium


"The Great Light of Masonry"


As reconstruction of the "Indian Consistory" was being completed, railroad engineer John T. Liebrand decided the building needed an extra visual draw. He had access to scrap steel and colored glass covers for railroad signal lights and acquired enough to build the ball that's on top of the building. It is 8' in diameter and is placed 170' above the ground (the hill the Center is built on being the highest point in McAlester), and is lit every night making it a beacon for every night traveler coming into McAlester.


However, like most symbols in Freemasonry, this, too, has a dual significance. Its more noble and glorious purpose is to symbolize "the Great Light of Masonry" (meaning the Holy Bible - or other book of worship - from which the light of truth streams to illuminate the path of every Mason), but it has a practical purpose as well. 1930 was a time when aviation was a major draw in the state of Oklahoma, and so the lit ball on top of building was a signal to draw traveling Masons, but also as a signal to pilots, "Please don't hit our building."


 Please call 918-423-6360