General Secretary
Michael A. Ebert, 33°
The Valley of McAlester is at the beginning of its second century and the members need to seriously be thinking "membership". There is no greater office for our members than that of perpetuating the McAlester Consistory. Each member is asked to replace himself at least once. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is not a private affair but a fellowship that we should feel privileged to share with others.
Qualifications for Membership: Applicants are considered qualified if they have resided within the state of Oklahoma for six months and are a Master Mason in good standing. To petition they must have turned in their Master Mason Lecture or have been a Master Mason for six months. All petitions must be signed by two Rite members, or by the Master and Secretary of the applicant's Symbolic Lodge.
ular Fees:Lodge of Perfection (4th - 14th degrees) $47.50
Chapter of Rose Croix (15th - 18th degrees) $42.50
Council of Kadosh (19th - 30th degrees) $42.50
Consistory (31st & 32nd degrees) $42.50
Total: $175
Annual Fees: Scottish Rite dues are $100 per year and should be remitted on or before January 1st of each year. When remitting dues, please indicate your Blue Lodge name and status on the dues statement or a note enclosed. A member who is suspended in his Blue Lodge for any cause is automatically suspended in the Scottish Rite Bodies.
Presentations: Each Perfect Elu (14º) is presented a Fourteenth degree ring in a Lucite pyramid and a dues card. Each Master of the Royal Secret (32º) is given an embossed patent issued by the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction, The "Scottish Rite Journal", a monthly magazine, the official organ of the Supreme Council and the McAlester Scottish Rite News.
Perpetual Membership: $1050.00 (Can be paid out but current dues must be paid); P
lease call the office for a Perpetual application.